Holistic Pelvic Care™

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Holistic Pelvic Care™ is a form of pelvic bodywork that was developed by physical therapist and women’s health visionary Tami Lynn Kent, author of Wild Feminine, Mothering from your Centre and Wild Creative.  This treatment augments the benefits of pelvic floor physiotherapy, with the addition of energetic tools and principles.  It includes pelvic floor myofascial and trigger point release, combined with breathwork and visualisations to help clear any dysfunctional patterns, congestion, or trauma  held within the pelvic space.

The actual experience of trauma cannot be altered but the imprint that is left in the body can be healed and integrated. This process of reclaiming lost ground is facilitated when bodywork is conducted with care, presence, compassionate witnessing and in alignment with the body’s emotional and nervous system regulation.  Combining touch with focused breathing and visualisations helps to bring the body into the parasympathetic ‘rest and digest’ nervous system state (out of the sympathetic ‘fight or flight’ response). When the nervous system is regulated in this way, new neural pathways and muscle memories can be created, tissue health can be restored and old memories and trauma can be integrated.

Women hold a lot of memories, emotions and stress in the pelvic space – this creates tension and dysfunction in the muscles and organs of the pelvis.  Where there is tension there is a loss of connection - where there is loss of connection, women are unable to access the full range of their physical, emotional and spiritual potential. The therapeutic touch used during HPC™ treatment facilitates the release of any fascial restrictions and pelvic floor muscle tension, which helps to increase connection and circulation, clear stagnation and restore tissue health, suppleness and resilience.

HPC™ treatment can help to bring repair and restore wholeness to the emotional fractures a woman may experience throughout her life. It helps to clear core physical, emotional, energetic, and lineage patterns, which may be limiting her full potential. This honoring of the sacredness of each woman’s pelvic space helps to clear shame, restore physical and energetic alignment and increase a woman’s access to her own inherent creative potential.

‘The primary goal of Holistic Pelvic Care™ is to empower a woman to inhabit her pelvic space and occupy her feminine ground physically, energetically, emotionally and spiritually’

Tami Lynn Kent



Initial 90 min appointment: £130

60 min follow-up appointment: £90